Monday, September 30, 2019

A Million Little Pieces

Is James Frey the next Great American author? A Million Little Pieces is the supposed documentation of James Frey’s six week rehabilitation from alcohol addiction, when he was 23 years old.The graphic results caused by Frey’s complex, along with the deeply rooted relationship America has with alcoholism allowed this novel to become a best seller.   This is despite the fact that the majority of instances presented in this book to be actual occurrences are, in fact, fiction.The story follows James Frey’s struggle with addiction.   It begins with him in dire straights.   In this essay, I will prove and show why James Frey is a candidate for possibly being considered the greatest writer of the new generation.Frey wakes up on an airplane half dead with absolutely no recollection of how he got there.   With a hole in his cheek, his nose broken and barely able to walk, Frey’s family picking him up from the airport has absolutely no choice but to take him to rehab.   In rehab, Frey is forced to quit alcohol and drugs cold-turkey, which would be reasonably difficult for anyone in his assumed position.He claims to be addicted to practically every drug, on top of his addiction to alcohol; he claims to have an extensive criminal record, which makes it very clear to the reader that he was a self destructive youth. But, I personally feel some of his depictions are a bit over the top. The signature line from this book is, I am an Alcoholic and I am a Drug Addict and I am a Criminal.   This also seems to be more of a persona played out by the main character as apposed to an actual depiction of Frey himself.The fact that Frey has dental surgery without any anesthetics, and the idea that he gets into numerous fights with whomever crosses his path, these are all examples of how Frey tries to create a tough persona for himself.   As an epic hero, Frey serves well, but once it is discovered that his book is fictional, I think it becomes eve n more complex and actually makes a very saying statement about the author.I do commend Frey on his writing style.   It is very unpredictable and unique to him.   His linesThe fact that it is known that Frey fabricated the truth, and that the book is very loosely based on fact, it leaves very little room for sociological interpretations.   There are moments in Frey’s rehabilitation when he meets with other interesting addicts.He compares their addictions to his own, and in turn forms a rational perception of his own problem.   He eventually uses this new self perception for the purpose of his own rehabilitation.This is a very trying and uplifting moment for the reader, whether it is fictional or not.   The six week experience draws a lot of emotion out of Frey, and if you feel for the character you will embody these emotions along with him.   Frey’s realization about addiction is a sincere take that is universally true.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Electronic security Essay

Electronic security is defined as any tool or technique that is used purposely to protect system’s information assets. E-security is very valuable element in e-commerce since it adds value to the computer network as it composed of both soft and hard infrastructure E-security has been a matter of debate and it has been scientifically argued to be of great importance to economic development as it aid efficient trade and commerce. E-security has enhanced safe transaction and this has enable customers needs to be taken care off. Through e-security market place has expand since on line is very vital in that it enable many customers to be access to safe markets.   Computer security systems enhance effectiveness, efficient, satisfaction of customers. E-security systems also aids proper decision making concerning security susceptible situations through user interface design (Marco, 2003) E-security has been considered to a fundamental aspect in ensuring that technology benefits an organization in bringing both social and economic development. Development of on line environment has the impact of creating trust amongst its users and this has been taken by many organizations as a priority in order to gain competitive advantage. (Marco, 2003)   Goals of the study of an academic study Security has been subjected to various studies because of the fact that it aids in organization operations. It has been viewed by government entities as an idea of great demand that should be given priorities. The academic study by the Carnegie Mellon University was conducted to ascertain the level of security that can be derived from use of e-security in any given transaction (Marco, 2003) Goals of the private organization study On the other hand, a private organization study was conducted with almost similar goals to the former i.e.   The aim of ascertaining that there is protection of attributes of information security. These attributes include confidentiality, availability and integrity (Marco, 2003). It was also conducted with the objective of factors that can lead to failure of e-security in organizations either through poor planning and design or   overall complexity of electronic security architecture that are concern with sustaining the above attributes. It is vital to comprehend that proper security process encapsulates and consolidates the various processes in an organization such as detection, prevention and recovery of information and other relevant data. .Reasons for conducting the study The academic study was conducted with the aim of ascertaining the methodological approach that can be adopted by organizations and other business institution when assessing the level of competency that it poses in implementation of e-commerce in presence of e-security. To analyze how organization can be effectively and efficiently formulate electronic security and electronic commerce strategies to enhance proper functioning of the organizations To enable the organization to understand the factors that contributes to wide spread of e-security and electronic commerce in the global economy. The study was conducted to articulate major variables that bring about extensive use of the e-security by the business organizations. To compare electronic security, electronic procurement, electronic commerce, payments systems and electronic portals. This is to ascertain the influence that these aspects have brought in terms of global growth in economy. To comprehend and articulate the strategic implications of electronic security on private, public and civil organizations have been able to reduce risk associated cost and how market transactions have been carried out efficiently. It was done to draw inference on the impact of technology and faster flow of information on business transactions. To assess the available options in which e-security can be adopted as a tool for achieving organization goals through proper management strategies To monitor and evaluate e-commerce’s impact upon current global business   Transactions, technologies and public policy as related to electronic commerce strategy and new technical innovations. Type of data collected The data was collected during the academic study on e-security by the University was surveys from businesses and households on the importance and use of electronic security and ICT in general. The information collected was mainly pertaining trust on IT security. Specific question were being asked concerning the way different households perceived the importance and barriers to Internet commerce. The data collected depends entirely on the traditional strengths of the already collected data which was being used as secondary form of information.   The data collected concerns trust and security of technology services which been employed currently by many organizations. The report that came out of the study was an official data and semi-official data. Both types of data feature the trust that electronic security should be vested with. The official data carries the proposed questions that should be put into consideration before implementing any type of electronic security .How was data collected The data was collected in controlled experiment set up where students who used to attend introductory level business class were the main subjects.   The University employed e-learning package when conducting the study due to the fact that Internet was available. They were randomly assigned certain conditions that were required to follow. Before the actual experiment been conducted students were asked to fill the questionnaire that carries information concerning the demographic profile and other paramount features.   The questionnaires were well validated in order to give correct measures of performance avoidance and any kind of reluctance that the students portrayed (Marco, 2003) Research Questions OF ACADEMIC STUDY The following are common questions that were asked when conducting both studies and they cover important aspects of electronic security and to manage upon its implementation in the organization. These includes policy frameworks, principles, integration with management procedures and more so the significances to total quality management in an organizations. The questions which were asked during private organization study include; What are the some of the principles that influences the transition of electronic security? In what can enterprise security framework enhance the effective administration of electronic security in an organization? In what way can electronic security management be significant aspect to total quality management and enterprise strategic management model? Research questions of the private organization study On the other hand questions which were asked during academic study on electronic security included; In your opinion, what are the significant differences between different ways of electronic payment? What are some of the organization where electronic security has been used extensively? What are safety services been offered electronic security? Instruments used when collecting the data   When conducting the study, the University used very powerful machines such as computers (Intel Pentium 4). The decision made on the use of these computers when collecting data was based on the physical accessibility barriers of the computers and their memory that could make the work of the student very easy. They collected packet traces for each of the experiment and these traces carried data that allowed the group to analyze control packets (AlAboodi, 2003). Results of the study After conducting the study, what came out clearly was the fact that e-security and other web service technologies have had a far-reaching influence on business operations in organizations. Web services and electronic securities have enable organizations to carry out the transactions without the human intervention. It has enable data and applications to flow in without being monitored by the human being. It was also noted that electronic services can be put in place in wide variety of architectures hence can co-exist with other technologies. These services can be adopted in an evolutionary manner in absence of main transformations to legacy applications. Furthermore, it was realized that challenges posed by security cannot be avoided. From the study it was discovered that there exist difficult issues that an organization should put into consideration before implementing any electronic security. These include; Lack of confidentially and integrity of data that depend upon electronic security for its transmission. Service to service transactions are not being trusted by many business organizations due to lack of confidentiality. Availability in the face of denial of service attacks that exploit vulnerabilities unique to Web service technologies, especially targeting core services, such as discovery service, on which other services rely. Functional integrity of electronic security has been subject of debate in many organizations due to the fact that it is not been trusted by many organizations (AlAboodi, 2003). Results study of private organization study The end results of private organization study conducted on electronic security was that improved security is very important to organizations since it adds value to the organization. These are achieved by use of electronic security to enhance good interaction with the potential traders across the globe. Through use of electronic security organizations have been able to gain competitive advantage over their competitors because they are able to maintain closer customer relationship. From the study conducted, it can be concluded that proper employment of electronic securities enable companies to improve their reputation which in turn helps to maintain and retain customers (AlAboodi, 2003) The results obtained from the studies conducted have a very practical value in the sense if a company put in place a well functioning electronic system; it is a position to make a lot of sales. These is as a result of good maintenance of potential customers by the virtue that safe transaction are been carried out between the customers and the organization. If information security and electronic security is well managed, it results less costs of operations been incurred. In addition, electronic security is the basis for healthy foundation for implementation of good business structures and other vital frameworks which are factors that fosters economic growth been experienced in the organization These include Total Quality Management(TQM) and Enterprise Resource Planning(ERP) (AlAboodi , 2003)

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Brave New World Diction Essay

Chapter 3, pages 34-35 Brave New World Diction â€Å"Main Day-shift off duty†¦.. ’I shall make a point of going,’ said Henry Foster. † In chapter 3 of Aldous Huxley’s novel Brave New World, many things are revealed about hot the society in this novel functions. It shows more about the work that the people do and how the society functions. Huxley uses repetition and descriptive diction to provide a deeper look into the society that is shown in this passage. In one paragraph, one specific word helps to clarify the meaning of the repetition of the word â€Å"whisk†.While talking about history, the Controller states that â€Å"History is bunk† to the students. In context, bunk is taken to mean nonsense, or unimportant. It serves the authors purpose by revealing more about the society in this passage. History is irrelevant to the alphas. The word â€Å"bunk† further helps to explain the diction in the next paragraph of this passage. Th e word â€Å"whisk† is repeated twelve times in one paragraph. It is used to describe how easily history is wiped away and forgotten. It even shows that music and feelings such as passion are gone.The repetition of the word â€Å"whisk† is fundamental in illustrating how insignificant the past is to this society. The authors use of descriptive diction gives further insight about this society. The author uses words and phrases such as â€Å"tactual†, â€Å"Embryo Store†, and â€Å"Psychology Bureau† among many others. This is significant because it illustrates how technologically advanced the society in this passage is. This passage reveals that society has completely disregarded history and advanced in the scientific field.The author uses the word â€Å"forbidden† to describe poetry books and religious books such as the Bible. This further develops the society as a society where feelings evoked by poetry and religious faith are frowned upon. As this passage demonstrates, history and literature have been removed from this society. History and literature are subjects that connect people, and tie them together, but without them, this passage shows that this society is very advanced in the field of science. This society is clearly appalled by life led by their ancestors.They have effectively gotten rid of history, and any feeling that helps them make lasting connections to other people. Through the use of descriptive diction, the authors purpose of providing insight into this society is fully accomplished. The diction in this passage illustrates how dynamic the society in this novel is. This society revolves around science, and wants nothing to do with the past. This passage provides very important insight into how this society functions, and the structure of the society. The author successfully achieves his purpose through the use of repetition and expressive diction.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Module Practical Research application Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Module Practical Research application - Essay Example evidence that has demonstrated that learning can be significantly enhanced by using the appropriate technology, but the rapidly evolving and developing technologies in some cases leave the teachers with the feeling of unpreparedness regarding how they are used in the inclusive classrooms. Hooper and Rieber (1995) acknowledge that teaching is a demanding job and consider the different way that technology has not been able to have a considerable effect on education in the past while going further to outline the conditions needed for technology to be utilized efficiently in the future. Based on their work, Hooper and Rieber (1995) suggest that the idea and products are supposed to be integrated and the teachers must endeavor to familiarize and utilize the technology through integrating, reorienting and evolving its stages in order to use it effectively. They further state that the teachers who develop ways of integrating technology have a chance to re-conceptualize the part they play in the classroom and through guidance from research findings associated with cognitive psychology and other associated areas, teachers may develop an environment where the students can engage aggressively in perceptive partnerships with the available technology. According to Hansen (2008), developmental concerns are among the challenges that influence the use of technology especially with young learners, regardless of this; some critical aspects of literacy have been enhanced in the cases where technology is available. Hansen’s study was intended to measure when and what forms of technology were incorporated into literacy teaching and learning meant for students in the second grade through conducting interviews as well as observations. The results of the research demonstrated that the curriculum remained consequent to intervention and technology was utilized in both literary learning and teaching almost forty percent of the entire time. With this increase in the use of technology, the

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Double reacation essay about David Cole interviews Dr. Francizek Piper

Double reacation about David Cole interviews Dr. Francizek Piper + David Cole on the Phil Donahue Show - Essay Example Buildings in Auschwitz and in other camps which are the alleged gas chambers of the holocaust were able to hold 700 to 800 people and openings in the roof allowed chemicals to reach those within the chamber who were told they were going to be showered or treated for lice or scabies infections. The designs allowed the doors to be airtight and bricks were used to cover windows. Disinfection signs were in place in order to keep prisoners calm. Those with no ventilation system installed took much longer for ventilation, and false showers were installed to keep with the propagation that these chambers located in the crematoriums were used for bathing and disinfection (The Seven Gas Chambers at Auschwitz). One of the chambers was able to contain around 2500 people; gas was released which would take 10-15 minutes to suffocate those inside and ventilation time was allowed before the chambers were able to be reopened. Many survivors who were indeed showered in such chambers found it miraculous to know that other chambers were used to disperse gas. Some youth in these chambers survived somehow, watching those around them die of suffocation (Weber). The Donahue interview I found somewhat shocking considering the massive amount of testimony and evidence of the holocaust. The Bergen-Belsen articles written by Mark Weber seem much more likely to be true and accurately represent facts as they were known by many. David Cole has examined actual sites, conducting forensic testing’s and viewing these ‘alleged gas chamber.’ Cole states his studies are based on his own observations yet he also shows a supposed video which he suggests provides definitive evidence that indeed there were delousing and disinfestation chambers with evidence differentiating between the two. Much of the arguments presented in the Donahue show seem to belittle the horrific fact that millions of Jews died as a result of the Holocaust regardless of the final cause of

Budgeting Process Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Budgeting Process - Essay Example Due to increasing industrialisation the environmental problems are also increasing, it is affecting the climate, bio-diversity and the ecosystem of the planet. Therefore there is an immediate need of budget modernisation for sustainable development. If it's not achieved then it might have adverse effects on shareholders values because firms neglecting the rules may be closed or fined severely. b) Feasibility study is an important phase in the development process. It enables the developer to have an assessment of the product being developed. It refers to the feasibility study of the product in terms of outcomes of the product, operational use and technical support required for implementing it. c) According to consumer modernisation the solution to some sort of crisis can be found in more production, more modernity and more industrialisation. Rather than more production consumer modernization purports on different industrialisation and production. This is termed as more -as-different approach. In the present markets the production is more that result in the increase in economy and thus maintaining overall consumption low and sustainable. Thus we could say that consumption is dematerialised. Though the present world is turning towards e shopping still some of us like to prefer the old ways of purchasing things like jewellery, cars, etc. d) Let's take the case of United Kingdom and its... Unemployment was on rise and there was no perfect system to maintain law and order between the EU countries. There was chaos all the time. The post war era was the beginning of expansion in the trade sector. The benefits do not come that easily. Treating those who hurt by trade, equitably a difficult public policy issue. The important issues that were to deal with are controlling the rapid growth of trade deficit, high inflation rate and soaring prices of crude oil. The post war era has seen a rapid expansion in trade and accordingly the economic and political structure has experienced steady and substantial growth. Gaining profits from trade depends on individual economic behaviour. Instead of building own automobiles, manufacturing own goods, producing own food, it is better to manufacture goods in which they have specialisation and trade them for other goods that are required. This thought made the UK a leading exporting country in international trade. The most surprising thing is that the total UK imports amount to only about 12 percent of the country's GDP. International trade brings rich dividends and imposing restrictions to such exchanges will hinder the further improvement and in realising the true gains from trade. Protectionism is the factor that's becoming hindrance to international trade. e) In the context of budget process jobs were created and destroyed as well. Creation and destruction of jobs depends on comparative advantages and disadvantages. Cutting of jobs does not have any net loss on the economy further more it improves the living standard and raises the economy. It is known truth that international trade has positive and negative effects. The wages

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

American History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

American History - Essay Example The technological advancement during the period gave rise to industrialization and modernization. Political change during this period is yet another major aspect of western society modernization, where different nations discovered the need and suitability of democracy, notably after the French revolution of 1848 (30). Following this political advancement, other countries such as Italy, Germany and Britain sought political unification. This period also saw the rise of socialism, which was opposed to aristocratic and dictatorial rules (46). To avert such political revolts, the western countries worked towards enhancing human rights, abolishing slavery and establishing parliamentary and political party systems, which protected liberties (65). Social-cultural developments also occurred, sparked by the need for the society to adapt to the industrial economy (18). The life styles and standards of living improved, coupled with a decreased death rate due to advancement in the medical technology. Labor movements emerged, seeking better working conditions and wages for workers. Thus, the housing, diet and nutrition as well as leisure for such workers and their families improved (72). In conclusion therefore, the period between the 18th and the 19th century saw great changes in various aspects of the western society take place. These changes occurred in various fronts such as the technological, political and social-cultural, paving way for modernization of the

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Assessment of Systematic Process of Recruitment and Selection Term Paper

Assessment of Systematic Process of Recruitment and Selection - Term Paper Example Hiring is an essential aspect of human resource planning which assists in the determination of the number and individuals the firm requires. Organizations strive to attain a diverse workforce. Human resource has continuously evolved, giving diversity in organizations a new face. Though different organizations have different meanings and definition of diversity, contemporary diversity in work places engrosses more than the conventional view that centers on races and gender (Bohlande & Snell, 2011). Changing markets and demographics of labor force have necessitated organizations to intensify their diversity recruitment programs. Diversity in recruitment programs in organizations plays a significant role (CIPD, 2012). Moreover, social media are imperative in recruitment and selection, in the contemporary world. Social media connect people from different parts of the world and have dramatically changed recruitment. Gone are the days when recruitment was narrow and local. This paper criti cally evaluates the systematic process of staffing, and significance of diversity and social media in the process. Recruitment and Selection The recruitment process of any organization is often the first contact an individual has with the organization, bearing in mind that all participants are already or might also become customers of the organization (Farnham, 2010). A successful recruitment is dependent on finding the right people to make a positive input in the principles and objectives of the company. Aptitude and competence is the core basis of the selection process in order to make an input into the organization's efficacy (Kew & Stredwich, 2010). Different authors and scholars have given the term â€Å"recruitment† different meanings. In an organization, recruitment ceases to play a part when the organization ceases to exist. In reference to Stone (2002), recruitment process refers to the process of enlisting people and outsourcing for competent people for employment. This process starts when employers seek new recruits and ends when the applicants submit their applications. This results to a pool of applicants from which the employer selects the best candidates. The main aim of recruitment and selection is to get the right person for the right job position. Authors and scholars have argued that selection resolutions are the most significant decisions of an employer. This is because they influence the employer’s aptitude to attain targets, the superiority of products and services conveyed to the consumer and the welfare of the company team (Taylor, 2005). The ability of an organization to succeed in its goals depends on how well it can identify the various activities that must occur and the quality of the individuals selected to perform them (Marchington & Wilkinson, 2008). It is the responsibility of management to ensure that both activities and personnel are appropriate. By carefully analyzing the purpose, responsibilities and qualificat ions of each job, the selection pro

Monday, September 23, 2019

Advance Directives Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Advance Directives - Essay Example First, it was not clear about the role of the family or identified caregivers. A situation may arise where the family members may give false information to the health care professionals, especially if they are heirs to property or money in case the person dies. Also, other family members may forge an advance directive to suit their wants, mostly if they are beneficiaries of the patient’s property if he/she dies (Schwab, 2003). The client also wanted to know if it is mandatory to have an advance directive. Although it is not obligatory, it is vital for someone to have an advance directive. Many people, however, do not have knowledge of the purpose of this document. A completed form of this kind would be helpful to health care providers if a form was completed by a said individual and later lost capacity and needed care in a health facility, in that the surrogate decision maker would make medical choices on their behalf. By default, the decision maker is supposed to be the next of kin. However, several matters ought to be addressed to ensure the patient receives optimum care, according to some scholars (Berger, DeRenzo & Schwartz,

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Accounting for Business Combination and Ethics Assessment Essay Example for Free

Accounting for Business Combination and Ethics Assessment Essay Early 2011, Yung Limited acquired 75% interest in Chum Limited. This is the first time of Yung Limited preparing the consolidated statement. A few issues regarding to the first consolidated financial statement have been raised up. This report is used to solve the raised issues and explain general principle of consolidation accounting. Before the acquisition, Yung and Chum was a competitor to each other. Their financial statement only reflects their own financial position. Thus, the balance and transaction would state in the financial statement. The reason is that they are viewed as two entities from different aspect. However, after the acquisition, Yung and Chum became a single combined entity as Yung held 75% interest in Chum. It means Yung can direct business decision of Chum according to its preference. This view would be reflected in the consolidated financial statements. Since the consolidated financial statements view Yung and Chum as a single combined entity, the balance due to each other would be eliminated as a result. As Yung and Chum are the single entity, the amount due to Yung is set off by the amount due from Chum. One entity cannot lead money to itself in order to create a liability or asset. See more:Â  Capital budgeting essay As Yung and Chum are a single entity, transactions with each other are just a transfer of assets or liabilities, or a relocation of assets, this would not recognise as a transaction in the consolidated financial statements. Generally, profit margin is added to those transactions. These profit margins would raise book value of assets in the transactions. The common example is inventory and non-current assets. Those profit margins can only be realised in the sales or disposal to external parties. Thus, the consolidated financial statements would eliminate those unrealised profit also. According to the above statement, Yung gets the power of control in the Chum. It means every transaction can be related to Yung and its decision. The relationship between Yung and Chum would be a parent-subsidiary, and not just similar to other associate as investor-investee. Therefore, it is required to show consolidated financial statement of Yung and Chum. The distinction between consolidation and equity basis of accounting is power of control. Generally, if an entity holds more than 50% interest of another entity, the entity is required to consolidate the controlled entity. However, if an entity holds about 20% to 50% interest of another entity, the entity is required to practising the equity basis of accounting. Comparing with the two methods, consolidation basis of accounting would reflect a smaller net income if there are a large amount of inter-company transactions. Equity basis of accounting only show the share of profit in associate as an extra item in the income statement of investor (parent in consolidation). Thus, it would be a greater net income unless there is a net loss in the associate. In conclusion, different methods change the net income. The financial statements for equity basis of accounting are only included the investment in associates as non-current assets, and recorded as cost plus fair value adjustments in the net shares of equity. The consolidated financial statements are the combination of the parent and subsidiaries, and goodwill, excluding inter-company balance and cost of control. Thus, Yung’s financial statements would be greater value in statement of financial position if all investments were consolidated, but smaller value in income statement as there are large amount inter-company transactions between Yung and Chum. Equity basis of accounting could provide a greater asset value to Yung, but a smaller net income to Yung also. Dear Mr. Li, Memo regarding the revenue cut-off problem of Yung Limited According to the recent conference with John Au, President of Yung Limited, he reported that the sales of Yung Limited in 2010 incorrectly included sales in 2011. However, we did not discover this material error by our audit work. This material error overstated the profit of Yung in 2010 by 10%, but understated the profit of Yung in 2011 by the same rate. John Au also mentioned that he prefers to ignore this error because he can get benefit from this error as the understated profit. Ignoring revenue cut-off problem leads to conflicts in ethical and professional. This conflicts with fundamental ethical principles, such as integrity, objectivity and professional behavior. In the integrity aspect, we should not disclose any untrue financial statements. In the objectivity aspect, our professional judgments should not be influenced by reputation of our audit firm and any potential legal sue. In the professional behavior, we should comply with relevant laws and regulations relating to this revenue cut-off problem. The following are some of my recommendation on this revenue cut-off problem. The first recommendation would be reporting to the board of directors directly. This material error should be report the board of directors of Yung Limited. This report could give directors’ chance to decide the treatment of this material error. They could estimate effect of this material error. The second recommendation would be following John Au’s suggestion, ignoring this material error. This could be a way to accommodate our client. The third recommendation would be requiring John Au to correct this material error. This could reflect the true financial position of Yung Limited. The fourth recommendation would be convening an extra-ordinary general meeting with all shareholders of Yung Limited. This EGM could give shareholders opportunity to aware this material error, and understand the potential. Finally, I would recommend asking John Au to correct this material error. Although this correction would make him loss of a bonus, this is a fair treatment to all stakeholders at all. Also, this solution could reflect the professional position of our company.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Sexual Harassment In Egypt Sociology Essay

Sexual Harassment In Egypt Sociology Essay Society incessantly undertakes transformations as it develops and grows with time. Social conflict and self-interest appear to be the essence of the way life goes. From my personal perspective, people only act accordingly to the rules and norms when and only when there is either a consequence or a reward; be it materialistic or intangible. The strive for power, social standing and self-fulfillment is what pushes people to make their decisions and take on these paths. The patriarchal Egyptian culture exemplifies the simplest theory; the conflict theory between men and women. Egypt has been changing drastically over the past thirty years and especially since the 25th of January revolution, the people have witnessed many changes in the political ruling system of the country and the frequent migrations to the city of Cairo. It has also seen increasing religious imposition, expanding poverty, pollution and inhabitants boost. One of the major changes is the westernization of Egypt. The country became more westernized due to interactions of Egypt with the West politically, economically, and socially (Homa Hoodfar and Diane Singerman). Our daily clothes, the movies we watch, the music we listen to, its all proof of the clear westernization that our culture is going through. In addition, traditionally Egyptian women often were the ones that stayed at home to raise-up the children while the men of the families were the ones out on the streets working (Nicholas S. Hopkins and Ibrahim Saad Eddin). But over the years, the traditional woman stereotype changed. Women started receiving full education of high level and getting jobs that only men had right to before. And with those huge transformational events taking places in our country and this new status that the women earned, the natural turn of events to expect is that the Egyptian women start earning more respect, at least as equal as the mens. But unfortunately this is not what is happening. Instead many men easily prove to us that our society is still years and years behind and that we are in no way even comparable to the developed countries. Not only the women are not as equally respected, in fact they are disrespected, mistreated and simply put, in a constant battle for their rights. And one example of the many abuses that women are forced to put up with each and every day is sexual harassment. To clarify what exactly is sexual harassment, it is the unwanted physical contact, remark, or attention which is often inappropriate and offensive and results in fear or embarrassment. Of course it is also frequent in many other countries, but in Egypt specifically, this social cancer is spreading at an alarmingly rapid rate. The Egyptian Center for Womens Rights (ECWR) did a survey proving that 83% of Egyptian women and 98% of foreign women in Egypt have been sexually harassed before (Komsan). Despite the fast and continuous changes that Egypt goes through, it still stays a very religious country especially compared to the developed countries of the West. This means that they heavily rely on Islam upon any rule or decision making. So how is it that such a religious country is so profoundly neglectful of the matter, whilst countries that take religion lightly such as America absolutely refuse to accept such behavior? And why is it that despite all of the changes, this behavior still remains unchanged? Although Islam is one of the oldest advocates of womens rights, Egypt lacks laws that protect its women from many important concerns including sexual harassment. Indeed, the regular and extreme occurrence of this phenomenon can be explained by the absence of laws that punish those who harass women. And the rates are increasing because these harassers know that they will get away with whatever they do and that they will just go unpunished. This attitude has been triggered or encouraged by social, financial, cultural, religious or psychological difficulties that men face as a result to the countrys changes. For instance, the societys hierarchical separation keeps getting more and more obvious not only between social classes but between genders as well. The Egyptian culture absolutely confirms the conflict between genders where women dont enjoy equal rights as men. While some patriarchal societies work perfectly, in Egypt men abuse the position that they have. Several psychologists believe that men who harass women do so because subconsciously they attempt to exert power over women (Florence L. Denmark and Michele A. Paludi). This could explain the fact that it has been projected to society that the males are superior and dominant. They believe it, take advantage of it and use it to make women feel inferior by harassing them and more. If women were given equal rights as men, they would contribute and be proactive members of society hence improve our way of life. But when it comes to Egypt, there isnt enough statistical evidence to either agree with or disclaim the fact that psychological factors contribute to the occurrence of sexual harassment. So, we could relate Egypts situation to another country where psychology of men has proven to be of importance to the issue of harassment, like the United States for example (Baker). Another key reason behind why men harass women is the economical and political situation of Egypt. Many sources including El Ahram Weekly and Europe News, write that since a huge percentage of the Egyptian population is under or just above the poverty line, lots of men cannot find jobs, cannot afford to start families because they cannot afford to get married, and just simply cannot afford decent lives. Both sources wrap up by explaining that the economic powerlessness of those men clearly shows itself in the form of repressed sexuality. And this male rage leaves them preying on women. The sources also add that due to the fact Egypt is a male central society and men are counted on to sustain their families financially; men feel powerless in a society when they cannot do that. And as a consequence of their economic incapacity, they resort to sexual harassment to empower themselves. In other words, Egyptian men harass women because it is ego enhancing for them; they feel that they have the power that way (Alison M. Thomas and Celia Kitzinger). Ahmed Salah, founder of the Respect Yourself campaign that addresses sexual harassers in Cairo writes, sexual harassment is a form of violence and anger at the current economic and political conditions that men bring against what they perceive as a weaker creature. (Diab). Since men in Egypt sometimes reach their late 30s without possessing an apartment nor a car, and without having a well paying job, they try to substitute their complete financial weakness in society together with their inhibited sexuality by their male powers that are manifested in their sexual actions towards women. But do men of upper social class harass women? Yes, but not nearly as often as men of lower social classes do. War Zone, a documentary by Maggie Hadleigh, followed an ordinary woman down the streets of New York and documented the incidents of sexual harassment that she experienced (Hadleigh-West). It was concluded that yes some poor or middle class men harassed the lady, but so did other wealthy ones in expensive suites and having prestigious jobs; however, the ratio of harassment of a poor man harassing a woman verses a wealthy man was about three to one. And therefore, this could apply to sexual harassment in Egypt. Another factor that has a great effect on the sexual harassment rate in Egypt is its political situation. The idea of democracy in Egypt has been a theory spoken of only and hardly ever applied. Due to the fact that there is no democracy in Egypt, Egyptians, especially those in the low social class, cannot contribute to the decisions being made in the country (Nicholas S. Hopkins and Ibrahim Saad Eddin). And even though a revolution occurred on the 25th of January 2011, the feelings havent change much because this event has just led to more confusion, more societal division and even less empowerment. As a result of the lack of proper democracy that represents all citizens and not just one party, Egyptians lack total political power (Saadawi). These men are aware that they, both politically and economically, are powerless. And in an attempt to seek out any form of power, they sexually harass women who come into sight to them as the weaker being. Wrapping up, economic and political sit uations of men are probably major triggers behind their sexual harassment of women. Nonetheless, the most frequent excuse that men use to justify this intolerable and offensive manner is that since Egypt is a Muslim country, premarital sex is strongly condemned. It is religiously banned. In other words, men harass women because men are sexually repressed. And as previously mentioned, the financial difficulties that they are facing make the idea and plan of marriage very unfeasible. Even if they do get married, they live in poverty where big families are located in tight quarters, so no one has any personal space. This financial powerlessness leads to a sexual frustration that materializes in the form of harassment. It makes them feel more authoritative. But there are many other poor Muslim countries that live and survive in very bad conditions, like Libya for example, but they do not have the quantity of sexual harassment that is at hand in Egypt. So it is not about economic or religious complications. Each reason used by the men is just an excuse for their unaccept able and improper attitude. Sexual harassment in Egypt has been said to be the product of the fact that Egypt is a Middle Eastern Islamic country, and therefore is conservative, and when women dress modernly and European-like, they are harassed by those men who are overwhelmed by how different they look from other ordinary Muslim women (Alison M. Thomas and Celia Kitzinger). So what they are actually saying is that women are the ones to be blamed and that they bring it upon themselves by wearing tight provocative clothes. According to the fact that Muslim women should be conservatively dressed, men from upper Egypt, for instance, who come to Cairo and find women walking down the street in revealing clothes (according to those men) start to harass women. But those men who once lived in a small village then moved to the city arent representative of all Egyptian men. Also, many of those conservative men have been living in Cairo for several years, so the idea of women walking down the street, leaving their houses, and dressing provocatively, isnt new to them anymore; and yet they continue to harass women. Another theory implies that due to the fact that rural to urban migrations in Egypt have been increasing lately; about 18 million Egyptians have migrated over the past 5 years; sexual harassment by those new to the city life occurs (Nicholas S. Hopkins and Ibrahim Saad Eddin). And therefore, sexual harassment cannot be the result of how Western-like women are starting to dress, and not about how conservative men from small villages are amazed by what they see every day. And as a result, that is not a key element that contributes to why Egyptian men harass women. Sexual harassment is assumed to be based upon sexual triggers by definition. A theory supporting that belief says that, the more provocatively a woman is dressed, the more likely she is to sexually arouse men, and therefore, the more likely she is to be sexually harassed (Tarrant). However, survey by the ECWR (Egyptian Center for Womens Rights) concluded that the majority of women who said to have been harassed in Egypt were not dressed provocatively when harassed; and also, several women wearing the Nikab were harassed too (Komsan). So, is it possible that a man would find a woman who is literally covered from head to toe in black sexually attractive? Well, to clarify the image of those women wearing the Nikab in Egypt, they are often low or middle class women, probably married with a few children and often neither in great shape nor health due to the fact that they are relatively poor (Atassi). So no, it is highly unlikely that such women be harassed on the streets. And would a man find a native, 6-months pregnant, veiled woman sexually attractive too? After the incident in 2005 in which a group of young Egyptian men harassed a pregnant woman, the answer to this question is unknown (Saadawi). The problem of sexual harassment has evolved into a strange problem. In other words, sexual harassment been going on so often that men do not harass women who are sexually appealing to them anymore, they just harass any and every woman by in order to let out any boredom, anger, frustration or just to feel superior. (Leila). Also, if men harass women they are sexually attracted to, they would be more likely to harass women of the same age, race, or social class (Florence L. Denmark and Michele A. Paludi). To sum up, sexual harassment used to be triggered by sexual interests, but these days and in Egypt specifically, it has become a habit since the offenders see sexual harassment as an act of conforming to society in a way. And not only does that result in frequently occur ring harassment, it also became strange behavior manifested in the actions of young boys (under the age of 12) as well as of teenagers and middle aged men. To elaborate, a foreign woman was grabbed while walking down the street by an 8 year old in 2006 (Atassi). That young boy must have seen other men do that to women, and thought that he is becoming more of a man by conforming to their actions. The most probable theory is that it has nothing to do with their academic or social level because men from all different backgrounds harass women. It has to do with the parents education to their child. Are they good role models for their children? Do they teach them to respect women and have moral values? These young boys are imitating what theyve seen older men including their fathers do. They are following the people they admire and want to be like when they grow up. They want to feel integrated in the society as well and feel like powerful men. Although sexual harassment is mainly trigge red by sexual thoughts, nowadays, it seems to be triggered by assimilation and conformity rather than sexuality. In conclusion, all the reasons mentioned above that try to explain why does sexual harassment occur have one thing in common: Power. Men try to enforce power over women because they are economically or politically powerless in a male dominant society- one where men are expected to have the power. In a psychological attempt to feel powerful, men harass women because women are perceived by men as a weak creature; and therefore, harassment is an effortless way for men to feel better about themselves. So, according to my findings, the excessive sexual harassment in Egypt can be traced back to the need of men to feel the power that is lacked elsewhere- economically, politically, or socially. The unfortunate news is that women have actually accepted and confirmed their supposed inferiority through their silence. Some women just do not want to speak up for themselves in order to keep the social stability, in respect of their husbands, in habit of the way the society works or because they just think that there is no hope and that any objection is a lost cause. Also, the reason that women rarely come forward and press charges against that sort of assault is that they are aware of the lack of concern among the police. The policemen participate sometimes in the harassment. They can say comments while women are crossing streets, for example. So it is natural that women do not feel comfortable in taking proper action against the harassment since the people that are supposed to protect them from that kind of abuse are already taking part in it. So in order to represent these women and encourage them to speak up and take action, many groups try to launch awareness campaigns in different kinds and forms. For example, the Egyptian Initiatives group has launched a Stop Sexual Harassment in Egypt campaign. They organize events that inform people about the situation, explain to women how to defend themselves and encourage the women to speak up. Another campaign that is even more successful is the Banat Masr Khat Ahmar campaign (Egypts Women are a Red Line, e.g. a line in the sand) was launched this year to raise awareness on the problem  through communicating with people in the streets (Samir). We neither argue with the harassers nor lecture them. We simply talk with them in their own language, Dina Farid the founder of the Banat Masr Khat Ahmar movement said, explaining that her personal participation in the revolution taught her how to build a movement (Samir). During the Eid Al-Fitr holiday that wraps up the holy fasting mon th of Ramadan, the movement focused on downtown and the Nile Corniche area. Also, the dream of Welad El Balad (The Countrys Sons) an Alexandria-based initiative founded by Karim Mahrous in 2011 to clean Alexandria of sexual harassment. To reach this dream, Welad El Balad also organized street-level awareness campaigns (Samir). Before engaging with people, the initiatives volunteers first get trained. They learn of the legal aspects, including the constitutions articles that affect sexual harassment and they also focus on the psychological aspect of the problem, including the different kinds of harassers and how to address them (Samir). We explain to women that the law is on their side and that they should not tolerate sexual harassment. We also educate men on the serious consequences of this act, Zeinab Ayoub, Welad El Balad campaign coordinator noted (Samir). Estargel (Behave like a Man) was also launched two months ago to stop the rising problem of men riding in the women-only car riage in the Cairo underground metro which also leads to sexual harassment, says founder, Sherine Badr. Estargel launched door-knocking campaigns in downtown Cairo to stir discussion on sexual harassment (Samir). The fact that society has started to realize the problem and talk about is in itself a good milestone, Badr explained. Welad El Balad have partnered with certain neighborhoods in Alexandria, where they have shops there hanging their posters and cooperating with them to stop harassment and make their areas safe territories (Samir). Also Banat Masr Khat Ahmar has managed to secure the support of street venders in some areas in Cairo who help them fight the problem and intervene in case of any harassment happening in the area. Another way to raise awareness is through social media, art and cinema. Many Youtube and Facebook groups were created. These groups not only encourage women to speak up and empower them, it also allows them to post any images or videos the harasser so they will be found by others and dealt with. That not only helps the women psychologically but it also threatens these harassers. And regarding the arts and cinema, in 2010  an Egyptian film entitled 678 brought the issue to public attention (Ibrahim). The film told the stories of three women from different social classes who were all victims of harassment one way or another. It shows how they dealt with it and how at the end all they had to do is speak up and be strong united women. Other than the awareness that has been growing in different types, the government and some NGOs have been trying to take actions instead of just awareness against the issue. But, in my opinion, none of them have succeeded so far. For example, the government has started new method for fighting sexual harassment in Cairo via the Web. It is called Harassmap. They locate where the incident took place and try to track the man down. It also calculates the amount of sexual harassment in each area so before going out of her home, a women can check out the map and see which area had the most sexual harassment complaints and opts to take another road. In my personal opinion, this project is a complete failure because these men dont just stand there. They move. So the number of complaints by area is not really an indicator. I also dont see how they could be tracked down. Besides, this project has been up and running only for a few months now. Therefore, its efficiency is still uncertain. But two issues arise as we look at the solution the government provided the women. Not all women have a way to the Internet. In particular the poor ones are those who need it the most since they are most likely to get harassed in the po orer neighborhoods with less security. And even for those who do get to have access to the Internet, only a very few know about the project. It is not well marketed, therefore only some women know about it and use it. Another major initiative that took place but also failed is parliament representative Amr Hamzawys. Hamzawy tried  to pass a law against harassment when he was an MP but faced resistance from Freedom and Justice Party (FJP), the political arm of the Muslim Brotherhood, and Al-Nour Party, run by Salafists; as he explains: I tried during the period of the parliament to push for proposing tougher sanctions to ensure law amendments to some articles in the penal code, but the majority from both of FJP and Al-Nour parties overturned it and emptied its content. It exceeds personal bitterness to grieve what Egyptian women have to face daily and around the clock from the systematic violation of their dignity, and the male enforced twist of the catastrophe by a very bad vindicatory speech. (Hashim). After a profound analysis of the issue, even though some of the initiatives werent very successful, we can see that the country is progressing in the right direction. Many support groups and measures have been initiated in order to make the women feel powerful, protected and secure. The most significant battle to be done right now is for the women to express their will to have equal rights and respect that they have so rightfully earned and merited. The more economically developed a country is, the more opportunities women have to attain their rights; countries that are more critical of injustice towards women are actually improving their societies because they provide it with more productive members that are involved in advancing it. The stereotypical stance on women being inferior to men must be erased from society; the notion that females are incompetent merely because they are female is a sign of intense sexism and discrimination. Men try to assert their power and gain respect as alpha males by suppressing the women around them; this fractures our society. Instead of using these differences to discriminate, we ought to use them to balance out society and benefit it. The feminist conflict theory advocates for equality of basic human rights, it depicts why gender roles are planted within us and explains how all this is backfiring on society as a whole. It is not easy to change norms and status quos that have been carved so deeply into our minds, but we must acknowledge that change is not a spectator sport. By understand the role that gender plays in controlling society, we can understand it better and do more to improve it. So by uniting and coming together, they might finally balance the society and make it function more like it should be.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Virgil and Dante Essay example -- Virgil Dante Inferno Essays

Virgil and Dante In the note to Canto V regarding Francesca and Paulo, the Hollanders exclaim that â€Å"Sympathy for the damned, in the Inferno, is nearly always and nearly certainly the sign of a wavering moral disposition† (112). Indeed, many of the touching, emotional, or indignation rousing tales told by the souls in Hell can evoke pity, but in the telling of the tales, it is always possible to derive the reasons for the damned souls’ placement in Hell. However, there is a knee-jerk reaction to separate Virgil and, arguably, some of the other souls in limbo from this group of the damned, though, with careful perusal of the text, the thoughtful reader can discern the machinations behind their damnation. Although the dynamic between Virgil and Dante shifts dramatically through Purgatorio, throughout the Inferno, Virgil is the teacher and Dante the pupil, often bordering on an almost father-son relationship. It is the Roman, in Canto V, who asks the famous guiding question, â€Å"What are your thoughts?† (V.111), forcing the Florentine to pause and reason through what he is learning. Again, in Canto XXIV when Dante begins to weary, which is of little wonder: the poem begins at dawn with Dante lost from already being â€Å"so full of sleep† (I.11), Virgil manages to revitalize Dante’s spirits, calling for him to â€Å"Cast off sloth† (XXIV.46) and â€Å"Get to your feet† (XXIV.52), while reminding him of the â€Å"longer stair that must be climbed† (XXIV.55), Purgatory, which lies only a mere ten cantos ahead. Unarguably, this close relationship which forms between the two poets makes the reader’s heart pity Virgil’s damnation. This pity is doubled when one considers Virgil’s special situation: he is in Limbo, the circle of the virtuous pagans, thos... ...le to consider that Dante has erred in his placement of Virgil, noting how successfully that works with the rest of the allegorical levels. Perhaps then the answer and the problem which demands this answer, lies not with Dante or the poem, but within the reader. It is easy to identify with Dante, a man riddled with flaws; Virgil then becomes closer as a father figure. Thus, all the complex emotions wrapped in the bizarre web of paternity are translated onto Virgil. When one sees Virgil, one sees oneself; one sees one’s father. The damnation of the Roman I puzzling, paradoxical, and confusing, but not unjustified: many other souls in Hell fall under the same category. That to pity Virgil is to pity the part of ourselves which fears damnation and to pity our family before considering justice, is a lesson which can only be learned in the fire and ice of Hell. Virgil and Dante Essay example -- Virgil Dante Inferno Essays Virgil and Dante In the note to Canto V regarding Francesca and Paulo, the Hollanders exclaim that â€Å"Sympathy for the damned, in the Inferno, is nearly always and nearly certainly the sign of a wavering moral disposition† (112). Indeed, many of the touching, emotional, or indignation rousing tales told by the souls in Hell can evoke pity, but in the telling of the tales, it is always possible to derive the reasons for the damned souls’ placement in Hell. However, there is a knee-jerk reaction to separate Virgil and, arguably, some of the other souls in limbo from this group of the damned, though, with careful perusal of the text, the thoughtful reader can discern the machinations behind their damnation. Although the dynamic between Virgil and Dante shifts dramatically through Purgatorio, throughout the Inferno, Virgil is the teacher and Dante the pupil, often bordering on an almost father-son relationship. It is the Roman, in Canto V, who asks the famous guiding question, â€Å"What are your thoughts?† (V.111), forcing the Florentine to pause and reason through what he is learning. Again, in Canto XXIV when Dante begins to weary, which is of little wonder: the poem begins at dawn with Dante lost from already being â€Å"so full of sleep† (I.11), Virgil manages to revitalize Dante’s spirits, calling for him to â€Å"Cast off sloth† (XXIV.46) and â€Å"Get to your feet† (XXIV.52), while reminding him of the â€Å"longer stair that must be climbed† (XXIV.55), Purgatory, which lies only a mere ten cantos ahead. Unarguably, this close relationship which forms between the two poets makes the reader’s heart pity Virgil’s damnation. This pity is doubled when one considers Virgil’s special situation: he is in Limbo, the circle of the virtuous pagans, thos... ...le to consider that Dante has erred in his placement of Virgil, noting how successfully that works with the rest of the allegorical levels. Perhaps then the answer and the problem which demands this answer, lies not with Dante or the poem, but within the reader. It is easy to identify with Dante, a man riddled with flaws; Virgil then becomes closer as a father figure. Thus, all the complex emotions wrapped in the bizarre web of paternity are translated onto Virgil. When one sees Virgil, one sees oneself; one sees one’s father. The damnation of the Roman I puzzling, paradoxical, and confusing, but not unjustified: many other souls in Hell fall under the same category. That to pity Virgil is to pity the part of ourselves which fears damnation and to pity our family before considering justice, is a lesson which can only be learned in the fire and ice of Hell.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Urinary System :: science

The Urinary System How do the urinay system work Your body takes nutrients from food and uses them to maintain all bodily functions including energy and self-repair. After your body has taken what it needs from the food, waste products are left behind in the blood and in the bowel. The urinary system works with the lungs, skin, and intestines--all of which also excrete wastes--to keep the chemicals and water in your body balanced. Adults eliminate about a quart and a half of urine each day. The amount depends on many factors, especially the amounts of fluid and food a person consumes and how much fluid is lost through sweat and breathing. Certain types of medications can also affect the amount of urine eliminated. The urinary system removes a type of waste called urea from your blood. Urea is produced when foods containing protein, such as meat, poultry, and certain vegetables, are broken down in the body. Urea is carried in the bloodstream to the kidneys. The kidneys are bean-shaped organs about the size of your fists. They are near the middle of the back, just below the rib cage. The kidneys remove urea from the blood through tiny filtering units called nephrons. Each nephron consists of a ball formed of small blood capillaries, called a glomerulus, and a small tube called a renal tubule. Urea, together with water and other waste substances, forms the urine as it passes through the nephrons and down the renal tubules of the kidney. From the kidneys, urine travels down two thin tubes called ureters to the bladder. The ureters are about 8 to 10 inches (200 to 250 mm) long. Muscles in the ureter walls constantly tighten and relax to force urine downward away from the kidneys. If urine is allowed to stand still, or back up, a kidney infection can develop. Small amounts of urine are emptied into the bladder from the ureters about every 10 to 15 seconds. The bladder is a hollow muscular organ shaped like a balloon. It sits in your pelvis and is held in place by ligaments attached to other organs and the pelvic bones. The bladder stores urine until you are ready to go to the bathroom to empty it. It swells into a round shape when it is full and gets smaller when empty. If the urinary system is healthy, the bladder can hold up to 16 fluid ounces (500 ml) of urine comfortably for 2 to 5 hours.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Graduation Speech -- Graduation Speech, Commencement Address

The Class of 2012. How long have we heard these words applied to us? Long years starting with broken crayons in kindergarten to inside-out sweatshirts in middle school to late English essays — 13 years of learning from the simplest counting to complicated algebra and calculus, from reciting our ABCs to reading Shakespeare. Imagine, us coming out of our respective middle schools into this monster of a campus. With three times as many people — people who drive. People who have cars and are legal adults. We’ve been here for four years. Count the quarters: there are 16 of them. Remember freshmen year: that infatuation with older students, and how being friends with a senior gave you immeasurable social status? There were some sophomores who didn’t tease us for being freshmen, and we clung to them. Remember walking in late to every class on the first day of school, and maybe the second... maybe the third... Every morning we rode the yellow school bus. Our first pep assembly was amazingly loud and we walked out half-deaf. The cheerleaders were trying to get us to shout something, alter we figured out it was "double-oh." Remember when our "commitment to graduation" banner was stolen out of the library? And that first last, day of school: promising to meet everyone again come September. Four down, 12 to go. Sophomore year. Well, maybe by the time we were sophomores we may not have been completely settled into our own high-school persona but at least we knew where we were. And maybe, that first day of school, we still were late to every single class. We learned the meaning of the word â€Å"sophomoric† that year, and teased the freshmen, getting some symbolic retribution for what the sophomores did to use the year before. Eventually... ...ers ago, so were we. Yesterday has passed. Now we stand on the brink of adulthood. We have counted the cost, we’ve counted the quarters and paid the price, we’ve paid four years. Sixteen quarters. Right now we all have a legacy that we’ve left on Ayer High School, a legacy developed from four years of walking down the halls, eight semesters of sitting in the classrooms and sixteen quarters of developing our personalities. We were the anxious freshmen, the obnoxious sophomores, the lazy juniors and the graduating seniors. But, in 10 years, who are we going to be? Will we still drink Sobes, Jones or Yogochinos? Have the same wallpaper on our computer monitors? Will we still fly out at any hour of the night to go to Dick’s or Taco Bell? Whatever the answers, what we’ve each learned here will remain at the core of the people we become. We are the Class of 2006.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Public Policy on Business Competition Essay

Summary American businesses have been at a disadvantage from their foreign competitors due to the flawed economic system and the capitalist economy of the country. The foreign companies have been continuously improving their efficiency and effectiveness in relation to their American counterparts which means that they have now become more competitive and can even surpass that of the American products. The very strict government regulations and tariffs designed to protect the American economy is now the cause of the lesser jobs available for American workers. Outsourcing had definitely reduced the number of jobs and somehow the capitalist society that America has has relied on outsourcing as a way of cutting costs. Capitalism has its own evils as compared to socialism. Socialism is the opposite of capitalism, in socialism the government has to see to it that wealth is allocated to all members of society. Although, socialism has provided for all of its members it also brought the economy of the country to its downfall. The principle of comparative advantage is the key to ensuring that nations coexist and become interdependent on one another. Comparative advantage means that each country produces a specialized product which is becomes the economic strength of the country. It may have it’s own disadvantages but each country will have their own comparative advantage and disadvantage.   Public Policy on Business Competition   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   For more than four decades now, American businesses have been losing ground to foreign competitors. While 24.8 percent of all vehicles sold all over the world were made in the United States in 1986, by 1992 the U.S. share had declined to 20.7 percent. Now, this number goes further down to a little over 16 percent (OICA). A number of factors have contributed to the loss of the United States’ manufacturing competitiveness. First, foreign competitors have invested in more efficient equipment and processes and have instituted other programs that have raised worker productivity relative to the United States. Second, governments of some foreign manufacturing industries have provided planning, financial subsidies, favorable tax rates, and other industrial policies designed to nurture and support their industrial base. But perhaps the greatest reason why the United States is slipping in terms of global competitiveness is because of public policies based on coddling.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Arbitrary trade barriers, unrealistic quotas, and overly-restrictive tariffs are the norm when it comes to the government’s current stand on business competition. American workers and businesses are in a constant state of consciousness wherein a sense of entitlement pervades. They constantly lobby because they feel that the government is supposed to protect them from the deluge of competition from overseas. The thing is, Americans will continue to lose their jobs to the Indians and the Chinese. Companies aim to cut costs wherever and whenever they can. Given a choice, they will outsource to whomever can give them the best value. Instead of whining and lobbying, Americans should look for ways to adjust. They should do away with wanting to do menial tasks and start looking towards jobs that require more expertise and mental acuity. Not wanting to improve and instead asking for protection from the tides of change will not advance society at all and instead degrades it. In fact, it is the basis of a concept that was proved ineffective and impracticable.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Socialism is based on the flawed notion that members of society should be equals and the government must see to it that everyone is being cared for. One of the major complaints levied by socialists has been that capitalism permits surplus value to flow to capitalists, making capitalism a very unequal, class-ridden society. By contrast, a socialist society would share the return to capital among the workers, thereby promoting much greater equality than a market economy. This â€Å"strength† as socialists put it, proved to be socialism’s downfall.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Indeed, the experience of socialist countries exemplifies how attempts to equalize incomes by expropriating property from the rich can end up hurting everyone. By prohibiting private ownership of businesses, socialist governments did reduce the inequalities that arose from large property incomes. But the reduced incentives to work, accumulate capital, and improve – just because the government will provide for every man – crippled this system and impoverished entire countries.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The principle of comparative advantage holds that each country will specialize in the production and export of those goods or services that it can produce at relatively low cost because it is more efficient in producing them than other countries. Conversely, each country will import those goods which it produces at relatively high cost or those that it is incapable of producing at all. This simple principle provides the unshakable basis for international trade (Samuelson & Nordhaus 663). The most efficient and productive pattern of specialization is that nations should concentrate on activities in which they are relatively or comparatively more efficient than others. And even though countries may be absolutely less or more efficient than all other countries, each and every country will have a definite comparative advantage in some areas while having a definite comparative disadvantage in others. Conclusion The international economic sphere is complex and it is primarily governed by the most powerful country. The American economy had been one of the strongest economic players in international trade. When a country becomes too dependent on other countries for their economic products and services, like the American society, it can be assumed that they are putting their economic welfare at the hands of other nations. This can have a tremendous impact on American economy as the most basic services continue to be outsourced, monetary strength is diminished. It is similar to a gardener who is watering the neighbor’s lawn. The American society is pouring their money to foreign economies without thinking of whether that foreign country will do business with American companies as end consumers. In order to turn the tide, the American government should pursue and adopt the principle of comparative advantage, instead of relying on capitalism or socialism alone. With comparative advantage each country specializes in one or two products and services, thus equalizing power and influence in the international economy. American industries should look into the dangers of outsourcing, the disadvantages of cutting costs in the expense of unemployment and the ill-effects of over dependence on foreign countries. Therefore, the government should realistically examine the present position of the country in international trade. Comparative advantage holds the key for economic stability and progress.   Reference: Hitt, Michael A., Ireland, R. Duane and Hoskisson, Robert E. South-Western College Publishing, 1999. Organisation Internationale des Constructeurs d’Automobiles. Available:, January 19, 2008. Samuelsson, Paul A. and Nordhaus, William D.2.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Unfair Public School Funding

Eryka English 102 Research Paper Public School Funding: Closing the Education Gap In America we have spent billions of dollars on public school funding in hopes of educating the youth that will one day run the country. Without a solid foundation for the next generation to succeed, America will not be able to continue to improve and move forward. But if the education of our children is such an importance; why are we not giving every public school the right amount of funding to succeed? Just as there is an unequal opportunity in the work force; it also happens in the public school system.Schools that perform better are given more funding than schools that are not. Public school funding in America should not be determined by the academic achievement of a school, but should all receive the same amount of funding. Although many Americans would agree that the education of their children is a top priority, not many of them would know how funding is distributed throughout the country. It is the general idea that students do better in a well-funded school and that the public schools should all provide the same opportunity for every student to succeed.But if the belief is all public schools are the same then why are there private schools? And why do many parents decided to move and live in an area that as a great school system. There is no secret that some schools are better than others; it’s the point in which how the schools are able to become â€Å"better† than other public schools that’s the problem. Nearly half of the funding for public schools is provided from local taxes in the community the school is located in. Which means that funding for public schools varies across the country between the wealthy and poorer communities in America.At both the state and federal level there have been efforts to change the deficit the schools lack compared to others, but the idea has been taken negatively by the wealthy and powerful to choose how their school community functions. Others would argue that more money given to the schools will not improve the education of students; that individual success depends on the student and not the resources that are available to them. Such as Eric Hanushek, an academic reviewer wrote: â€Å"Detailed research spanning two decades and performance in many different educational settings provides strong onsistent evidence that expenditures are not systematically related to student achievement† (Hanushek 49) This claim has been a factor to the driving force that money can only go so far in a student’s educational life. But it has also been contradicted by academic researchers of public school funding by Rob Greenwald, Larry Hedges, and Richard Laine wrote: â€Å"school resources are systematically related to student achievement and that those relations are large [and] educationally important. (Greenwald et al. 384) With such a controversial topic, which one should we believe?How can we pos sible know for sure more money given to schools is the best option to improve the education our students receive from the government? And why should we change the way wealthy community schools are run when they are already successful in their academic achievements? How large is the difference in the amount of funding that each public school receives? Public school funding comes from federal state, and local sources, which nearly half of those funds are from local property taxes(National Center for Education Statistics).Because of the local property taxes from the community this is where the uneven funding for public schools start that makes a difference from the wealthy and impoverished communities. For example in 1998, New Jersey had an annual funding rate per student of $8,801, while Utah had a yearly rate of $3,804 per student(National Center for Education Statistics). Just from these numbers it shows that students from New Jersey where given twice the level of education than tho se students in Utah. While America funds its schools by the local wealth of the communities, we are the only country that does that.This type of funding system makes a huge difference in the quality of school building, faculty, equipment, class sizes, and technology resources for a student’s education. In other countries public schools are funded through state taxes and the communities. But what makes other countries educational system different than our own is each school gets the same amount of funding needed to run the school. As Robert Slavin a psychologist focusing on community and education said: â€Å"the U. S. is the only nation to fund elementary and secondary education based on local wealth.Other developed countries either equalize funding or provide extra funding for individuals or groups felt to need it. In the Netherlands, for example, national funding is provided to all schools based on the number of pupils enrolled, but for every guilder allocated to a middle- class Dutch child, 1. 25 guilders are allocated for a lower-class child and 1. 9 guilders for a minority child, exactly the opposite of the situation in the U. S. where lower-class and minority children typically receive less than middle-class white children. Slavin 520)† Poorer and minority students face more difficulties in their life as they are more prone to experience more difficulties in the family. But also these students are also forced to go to school at poorly funded schools. There is often commonly a language boundary that keeps many of the children from having a proper education in a school system. Teachers that are starting out in their educational career are sent to schools that are having a hard time developing their students into academic achievers.Schools in poorer communities are in need of more experienced teachers, but there is not enough money to recruit a quality teacher that has not already been recruited to teach at a higher paying and more academically achieving job and environment. Teachers are a learning tool that helps the students get to where they can be successful in life. The quality of materials that students have available to them impact the way they learn and also the pace they learn. With little funding students are left to work without dated technology and second hand books.The effect of outdated technology can be an intimidation for a student to not continue onto college. Many students feel as though schools did not prepare them for an institution that has technology far beyond than what they know how to use. On the other side of the argument, students are given their own choice to either achieve or fail in their education. In other words, success and failure results from individual effort and not a group interaction of the student by the community the student lives in. Even if less funded schools are given more money; more than half of adults say that poverty is a personal problem (Smith).The community that the scho ol was built into has already set the standard of the school. Depending on the community influences the child is more likely to follow into the footsteps of their parents. If the parents are mechanics and the child follows in their footsteps, does that make them a failure if the student does not go on to be a doctor or an over achiever? The effects of the community on a child can change the way education is viewed in the family and home. Daniel Patrick Moynihan, politician and sociologist, argues that minorities are disadvantaged because of the â€Å"social traditions† of the minority communities().Which means that students have the ability to learn but the social culture in their communities hinder them to take their education seriously unless their family does. This belief that students come from impoverished homes lack the support system to benefit from a quality education drives the idea that there is no need for more funding. Even though there are outrageous numbers that can be easily equaled out for all students. America has focused on the idea to invest in the students that have a more promising future in the long run. Why would we waste money that will become a gamble, and we will not know if the outcome will be positive or not.The wealthy communities have been able to produce those students that have continued to succeed. The states believe that if they reward those schools that are producing results then it will give the other schools incentive to achieve to retrieve more money for the state. But how can a school be able to climb its way to the top if it’s stuck in the bottom, working with the resources that it already has. The biggest survey done on the relationship of the amount of funding and the impact of students’ education was called The Coleman Report.The report was a study that randomly selected thousands of students from all over the nation and tried to connect the issue of money and education. From the report it was lin ked that students’ home background and peer groups were a major part of achievement, but the quality of the school had little to no impact on their education. Which researchers wrote: â€Å"Schools bring little influence to near on a child’s achievement that is independent of his background and general social context† (Cain 325). Schools that are also well funded are able to get familiarized with the current technology that is popular in today’s life.From the advantage of having the practice with technology has already put themselves ahead of others who have not gotten the chance to learn that kind of technology. Students who are not able to access technology are behind to those who have and will lack in their technology skills in college. Being updated with the latest technology helps students want to continue in into college to learn more new things. The quality of materials that students have available to them impact the way they learn and also the pac e they learn. With little funding students are left to work without dated technology and second hand books.The effect of outdated technology can be an intimidation for a student to not continue onto college. Many students feel as though schools did not prepare them for an institution that has technology far beyond than what they know how to use. Without confidence in the education that they have received, students are hesitant to ask for help and get the help that they need to succeed into a higher education level. If the materials the schools are using are outdated and not taken care of, then the students will also return the same respect to the books in the condition that they are in.Schools no longer become a place for opportunity, but a place where students are required to attend with old material, that will not get any better as the years go on. The quality of the materials the students are given the more respect and effort they will give to the course material. If American is able to provide the entire students with the equal opportunity to succeed then there would be more achievements in the nation, but also a higher achievement in the country. There needs to be more awareness of the effect that funding in public schools has on the students.Statistics in the nation vary from state to state, but with the same amount of material for each student. Most Americans say they support equal funding for public schools, but they are not willing to take the necessary steps to improve and provide equal funding for all the schools across the country. Some reasons why wealthy people and communities do not to anything about unequal funding is because of: not even admitting that there is a funding difference, to keep personal taxes low, and the thought that poverty is brought onto the person instead of trying to better themselves through their education.It is better to keep the money going to the schools that continue to have academic success with their students. Studie s indicate that the level of student advantage within the home or community matters a lot to the outcome of the student’s education. But also that funding will help the student be more educated and motivated to go onto college. Greater one on one time with a teacher will help the student learn more material. Two main aspects that have been tied to higher levels of student achievement: stronger teacher qualifications, and smaller class sizes in the early grades.Getting the bases of an early education but also a quality education helps the student in the long run to adapt to the education system in a positive environment. The achievements of disadvantaged students in poorer communities are more likely to suffer America’s public school system because of two main reasons: those students are more likely to attend poorly funded schools, and they are more likely to be hurt by lack of academic resources when there is not enough funding that the school needs.Legal and political efforts to improve funding have not been very successful at the federal level, but a lot of activity has been present in the state courts and there is a realization to increase school funding. The future effects have increased in state funds for poorly-funded districts while leaving funding for rich, suburban districts up to the communities to continue with their educational support. We have concluded that well-funded schools are able to obtain higher educated teachers that continue to increase the school progression.In addition to better funded schools, schools are able to reduce the class sizes which will improve the students learning to be more focused and engaged in the classroom. Which is a huge advantage because a main problem in low funded schools, is that there is so many students in one room that a single teacher is not able to guarantee that that material is being understood from every student. Resources Cain, G. G. & Watts, H. W. (1970). Problems in making policy inferen ces from the Coleman Report. American Sociological Review, 35(2), 228-242.Hanushek, E. A. (1989). The impact of differential expenditures on school performance. Educational Researcher, 18(4), 45-65. Kluegel, J. R. & Smith, E. R. (1986). Beliefs about inequality: Americans' view of what is and what ought to be. New York: Aldine de Gruyter. Greenwald, R. , Hedges, L. V. , ; Laine, R. D. (1996). The effect of school resources on school achievement. Review of Educational Research, 66(3), 361-396. Moynihan, D. P. (Ed. ). (1969). On understanding poverty: Perspectives from the social sciences.New York: Basic Books. National Center for Education Statistics (2000a). Common core of data for school years 1993/94 through 1997/98 (a compact disk). Washington, DC: Office of Educational Research and Improvement, U. S. Department of Education. National Center for Education Statistics (2000b). The condition of education 2000. Washington, DC: Office of Educational Research and Improvement, U. S. Dep artment of Education. Slavin, R. E. (1999). How can funding equity ensure enhanced achievement? Journal of Education

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Essay on Wonder Woman

Her mission is to bring love, peace, and sexual equality to a world torn by the hatred of men. The heroine Princess Diana of Themyscira, more famously known as Wonder Woman, has gone through various reimagining and different retellings in both media and comic books. But all of these have the same basic origin. She was born and lived the majority of her life on the isolated paradise island of Themyscira, an island inhabited entirely of Amazonian women.Everything changed one day when pilot, Captain Steve Trevor crashed on the mysterious island. Soon after he crashed, as he was being held and treated on the island, Queen Hippilyta held a tournament to decide who would have the honor of escorting Captain Trevor back to the United States. Against her mother’s wishes, Princess Diana participated in said tournament and won. At this point the narrative diverges depending on its retelling.In the 1975 pilot, set in World War II, named, The New Original Wonder Woman directed by Leonard H orn, Wonder Woman fights Nazis during the World War II era soon after leaving the island. In the 2009 animated movie, Wonder Woman, directed by Lauren Montgomery, Wonder Woman fights to stop the reign of the Greek god of war, Ares and his army of undead Amazons. Wonder Woman has always been widely considered as a feminist icon, thus these movies are supposed to reflect such a message. Thus each movie shows how the times and sexual equality has changed over the years.These can be shown by the relationship between Princess Diana and Steve Trevor in which one movie portrays them fighting on equal footing against a common threat much like co-workers and the other not so much which is apparent in a multitude of fighting scenes; Wonder Woman’s behavior and personality through both movies but mostly with her passive behavior in one fight scene in the 1975 pilot and her aggressive behavior in the 2009 animated movie; and Steve Trevor’s difference in behavior and personality bu t mostly toward women and is most apparent in the 2009’s hospital scene.In the 1975 pilot episode, The New Original Wonder Woman, the relationship between Steve Trevor and Princess Diana seems to be focus on the fact that Wonder Woman is more so smitten and dependent on Trevor in order to be happy. This can be clearly seen when she pretty much stalks him, after his safe return to the U. S. , by disguising herself as his nurse while he’s recuperating and at the end where she disguises herself as his personal assistant, Diana Prince.This acts as a contrast to the 2009 DC animated movie, Wonder Woman where Steve Trevor is smitten by her but instead of being dependent on her, he acts as her sidekick, as they fight Ares as equals, but usually Wonder Woman showing her superior strength and fighting skills. This further shown when they are about to first encounter Ares and thus have to infiltrate a military base. They violently take down the soldiers silently but cooperativel y, Steve with his combat knife and Wonder Woman with her boomerang like tiara.Princess Diana of Themyscira is portrayed very differently in both adaptations of the same character. In the 1975 adaptation, Wonder Woman was rarely allowed to engage in hand-to-hand combat, instead relying on simply throwing bad guys around. But in the 2009 animated movie it embraces the fact that she is a skilled warrior and not only can she throw punches but more surprisingly allowed to receive them too. In the 2009 adaptation of the super heroine, she is a strong, smart, aggressive independent woman who needed no man.For example in the 2009 animated movie, when Princess Diana and Steve Trevor are about to get mugged in a dark alley, the muggers say that if they do what they say, no one will get hurt; and she replies with, â€Å"Maybe I want someone to get hurt. † But in contrast, the 1975 Wonder Woman was a soft-hearted, kind, naive, passive young woman who needed a man in order to take action. For example in the 1975 pilot, when Diana quit her circus job and is subdues her ex-boss after he tries to pull a firearm on her, she claims that she was taught to avoid conflict and did not like fighting or hurting others.In the 2009 movie she is not in need of a man or in love with Steve Trevor right off the bat, but instead he earns her love by proving himself by helping in the hunt down Ares. She also does not stalk him like the 1975 counter-part but instead it’s him following her around but instead of stalking her, helping her; and in the end she is not in disguise from him as his assistant but instead in disguise from everyone else but as a friend, or possibly his girlfriend because it is never clearly explained. Captain Steve Trevor’s 2009 character differs vastly in comparison to his 1975 counter-part.In the 1975 adaptation he was merely a flat characterized damsel in distress who tried to act as a symbol of the American ideal. But in the 2009 animated movie h e was more fleshed out and given more characterization and more of a major role in the plot. The 2009 version of Trevor was a witty, brave, and a symbol of sexual equality. Also Steve Trevor in this movie more so acted as Wonder Woman’s sidekick in the fact that many of the times in which there was action they both worked cooperatively to defeat any threat.In the 1975 movie, Steve Trevor never or rarely ever talked about sexual equality while Wonder Woman talked more so like a feminist extremist. But in the 2009 animated movie, after Wonder Woman keeps talking down about men and claiming Steve Trevor was a sexist, he had enough and expressed his mind more than his 1975 counter-part. In the scene, Wonder Woman wakes up in a hospital bed after their first encounter with Aries.Then she starts berating him on the fact that he didn’t stop Aries and that he merely saved her because she was a woman and if she were a man he would have acted differently. This causes Steve Trevo r to have enough of her ranting about men and himself, and thus he goes and pretty much sums up the theme of the whole movie. The outraged Trevor tells her, â€Å"Cutting yourselves off from the outside world was cowardly! Not to mention STUPID! [Yeah] like less communication between men and women is what the world needed.And I didn’t save you because I thought you were some damsel in distress. I saved you because†¦because I care about you, Diana. And I’m not going to abandon a friend in need. Man or woman. † This quote says a lot about Trevor in that the viewer’s view of him prior to this moment, being a womanizer, was not in fact his actual personality and that there was more depth to this man than meets the eye. This also expresses the change toward sexual equality we have strived for through the years since the time of the 1975 pilot.Both movies featured Wonder Woman as a symbol of feminism and sexual equality. But both movies were vastly differe nt in their take on the heroic icon, due to the time period they were conceived. Movies like these tend to come off as either overly preachy or decide to blame all the world’s ills on man. In the 1975 adaptation it tried to portray her as the heroine that was in the comic books, but in the movie they were successful in that feat but only in describing her background but was unable to show her tough-as-nails  personality due to restrictions during the time period; and due to this, showing Wonder Woman acting as a contradiction in which she is in love with a man right off the bat, but is sexist against men and think women are more superior.But in the 2009 animated movie they were able to take a more balanced view. Steve unlike his 1975 counter-part had a more active role and was a more rounded, fleshed out character that was witty and quirky but also loyal and brave.The faults of men are shown in ample detail, as well as the faults of women were shown equally as examples such as Etta Candy’s overall flirtatious uselessness and Persephone’s final words of admonishment to Hippolyte. Both genders are represented as flawed and both movies themes are expressed through the 2009 Steve Trevor’s speech to Diana. In the end of it all, the world needs more understanding and congregation between men and women rather than isolation and distrust. In both media and literature, Wonder Woman will always be that icon of feminism and sexual equality.